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  • Art of Suiseki, Classic Japanese Stone Gardening by Willi Benz:  Because the larger features of nature repeat themselves in smaller forms, the art known as suiseki was born. Suiseki is a bit like bonsai, except it features small stones rather than miniature trees. If you’ve ever picked up a rock that reminded you of a giant boulder or even a mountain range, you’ve already begun to be a suiseki artist. Here in breathtaking color you’ll see some of the majestic ways stone has polished and shaped by wind and water. Enjoy the stunning exhibition of rocks arranged in outdoor parks and gardens, along with tiny miniatures situated on carved wooden bases.
  • Awakening the Soul, The National Viewing Stone Collection of The National Bonsai and Penjing Museum At The United States National Arboretum, Washington, D.C.:  92p. oblong. Bibliography. Fantastic color photographs. Includes a Foreword by Felix B. Laughlin, President of the National Bonsai Foundation, and “Stone Appreciation,” a ten page essay by Larry Ragle. Cat.#300048